I'd like to thank Bearing Drift for writing a blog introducing my blog on the 14th. It had me extremely surprised and blushing for a few long minutes.
Any new readers do that, I should have some new content coming up shortly in the realm of knitting... and maybe I'll write about something else as well... we'll see. I have some knitting pattern reviews pending. I have one outstanding project that has been put as a "secret project". I also have some patterns I'm contemplating starting work on once I get myself ready to do my next online yarn purchase from KnitPicks and my first online yarn purchase from elann.com. I may buy some others because I saw a good deal on some discontinued yarn that the new Knitty magazine has a pattern for. But we will see. In the future I will post up a blog about the yarns I like to use from various sources, in a segment called "yarn review". As of right now I am currently working on only one "non-secret" project, so I haven't really gotten myself around to doing the weekly status report, but I will try to do that sometime starting this week.
There have been a lot of interesting things going on in the news realm and in politics, but I'm not totally certain how to frame my mind around most of it to come up with a coherent post on the subject. I have a "ways to tell a story" post coming up in my head as I type this, so I may be posting something like that in the future.
P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! I am wearing my green today.
My grandma knitted for her entire life and produced, at least in my mind, works of art.
I have purple, red and white, green and white, and maize and blue afghans that I will treasure forever from her. In fact, the purple one is on the bed right now keeping my wife and I snug as can be.
She left us ten years ago at the young age of 96. I am convinced knitting kept her mind sharp.
So, you truly have a talent. Please keep it up!
Therefore, with the mix of politics and knitting? Of course I was going to link! You're now a favorite!
I like to call it knitting therapy. It keeps me sharp and helps me destress from a long day of work and listening to the news. I do appreciate the link. :)
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